
PALMS™ Analytics

In the pursuit of achieving optimum operational efficiency in warehousing, comprehensive data analytics and reporting have become indispensable. PALMS™, as a robust Warehouse Management System (WMS), offers a powerful suite of data analytics tools to empower businesses in this regard.

Unified Data Tracking: PALMS™ seamlessly consolidates data from multiple warehouses onto a single platform. This centralized approach simplifies data management, ensuring that all relevant information is easily accessible in one location.

Pre-configured Templates: PALMS™ provides pre-configured templates that facilitate quick and easy access to critical data points. These templates are designed to streamline data retrieval, saving time and effort for warehouse personnel.

Data Visualization: The system offers advanced data visualization capabilities, allowing users to discern patterns, identify trends, and spot outliers within their warehouse operations. Visual representations of data enhance understanding and support data-driven decision-making.

Robust Data Security: PALMS™ prioritizes data security with robust protocols in place to safeguard sensitive information. This ensures that confidential data remains protected against unauthorized access.

Insights for Optimization: Through data analytics, PALMS™ enables organizations to pinpoint weaknesses in their warehouse operations. This information empowers businesses to optimize processes, reduce costs, enhance productivity, and maximize space utilization.

Information on many data points can be tracked using our warehouse analytics:

  1. Procurement analytics: Insights into procurement processes and supplier performance.
  2. Location visualization: Visual representation of warehouse locations for efficient inventory management.
  3. Monthly Performance: Tracking performance metrics on a monthly basis.
  4. Trucks Received: Monitoring the inflow of trucks and associated data.
  5. Planned vs. Actual Receipt: A comparison of planned receipt volumes and actual receipts, with a focus on quality.
  6. Put-away Details: Providing insights into the efficiency of put-away processes, including average volume and turnaround time.
  7. Planned vs. Actual Dispatch: Comparing planned dispatch volumes with actual dispatches.
  8. Picking Details/Performance: Metrics related to picking efficiency, including average volume and turnaround time.
  9. Vehicle TAT (Turnaround Time) and Detention Report: Analyzing vehicle turnaround times and detention incidents.

PALMS™ Analytics also serves as a critical component in the creation of the “Digital Warehouse”, a digitally transformed warehouse that delivers increased throughput, productivity and efficiency. As warehouses evolve into digitally empowered hubs of efficiency, the analytics function within WMS serves as the compass guiding this transformative journey:

Predictive Analytics for Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is crucial for warehouse efficiency and cost reduction. PALMS™ WMS Analytics goes beyond basic inventory tracking by incorporating predictive analytics. By analyzing historical data and patterns, it can forecast demand, identify slow-moving or obsolete stock, and optimize reorder points. This predictive capability minimizes stockouts, reduces excess inventory, and frees up valuable storage space, leading to substantial cost savings.

Improved Resource Allocation

Digital transformation often involves maximizing the utilization of resources. PALMS™ WMS Analytics helps in this aspect by providing insights into workforce performance, equipment usage, and space utilization. For example, it can track the efficiency of pickers, highlight underutilized equipment, and optimize slotting strategies to minimize travel time. This data-driven resource allocation enhances productivity, reduces labor costs, and optimizes space, ultimately driving warehouse efficiency.

Enhanced Order Fulfillment

In an era where customers expect rapid order fulfillment, PALMS™ WMS Analytics plays a vital role. It can monitor order processing times, track order accuracy, and identify bottlenecks in the fulfillment process. Armed with this information, warehouse managers can fine-tune workflows, allocate resources more effectively, and ensure timely and error-free order fulfillment. Meeting customer expectations leads to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Supply Chain Visibility

Digital transformation extends beyond the warehouse walls and into the broader supply chain. PALMS™ WMS Analytics provides visibility into inventory movements, order statuses, and shipment tracking. This visibility enables better coordination with suppliers, carriers, and other stakeholders. For example, it can trigger automatic replenishment orders when inventory levels reach predefined thresholds or provide alerts in case of delayed shipments. This end-to-end visibility fosters collaboration and agility in the supply chain.

Data-Driven Continuous Improvement

Digital transformation is an ongoing process, and continuous improvement is at its core. PALMS™ WMS Analytics facilitates this by generating historical performance data and key performance indicators (KPIs). These metrics allow warehouse managers to measure the impact of process changes, assess the effectiveness of new technologies, and identify areas for further optimization. Data-driven insights drive a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that the warehouse keeps evolving to meet evolving business needs.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customer experience is a competitive differentiator in today’s world. PALMS™ WMS Analytics contributes to an enhanced customer experience by improving order accuracy, reducing delivery times, and providing visibility into order status. When customers receive their orders promptly and without errors, it leads to higher satisfaction and positive reviews, fostering customer loyalty and brand reputation.

PALMS™ leverages powerful analytics tools such as Qlik and PowerBI for warehouse location visualization and actionable insights. Users benefit from a wealth of ready-to-use reports, simplifying the data analysis process.

The WMS can help companies improve their bottom line by providing information dashboards depicting their KPIs and KPAs. This gives both the management and employees the ability to take faster, data-driven decisions.

Is your WMS tracking the right metrics? Are you able to take timely action to address inefficiencies in warehouse operations using WMS analytics?

Before you choose your WMS provider, make sure you ask these questions.

Choose the WMS that can transform your business.

Find out more about PALMS™ Analytics and the insights it can deliver from our supply chain experts. Get a call back today.